A Thorough Review of Antimicrobial Agents Used in Food

AbstractKey wordsDOI
Antibiotics are agents that have the ability to breakdown microorganisms or restrict their proliferation. These compounds are found in many chemical compositions, including intermediate-metabolite chemicals, chemotherapeutic and antibiotic compounds, non-antibiotic agents, antiseptics, preservatives, and disinfectants. Some of these compounds are naturally produced by bacteria, fungus, and plants. Furthermore, immunological products have been studied as agents with the ability to attack germs. Although there are thousands of antibiotics available, less than 1% of them are actually used in clinical settings to treat infectious. This is because certain antibiotics are unable to penetrate host cells or were toxic to the host. Recently, a wide range of antimicrobial ingredients and chemical additives have been employed in food preparation for both humans and animals, with the purpose of preserving the food. Certainly, using of chemical agents in food can have both pros and cons when utilized in small amounts. The problem of antibiotic resistance is a significant barrier in the food industry. In the development countries, breeders use antibiotics as substances that promote growth. As a result, antibiotics can easily be passed on to humans through the food chain, causing the emergence of antibiotic resistance in many microorganisms. This review emphasized the attributes and applications of substances that are created by fermentation, or other natural techniques utilized in the large-scale production of food.
Antimicrobial, Chemical substances, Lysozyme, Preservatives and Lactoferrin.

Haider Sabah ABDULHUSEIN1,*, Baidaa Mezher KADIM2
Received 12 Apr. 2024, Accepted 1 Oct. 2024, published 30 Dec. 2024. DOI: 10.52113/2/11.02.2024/1-25

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