The monthly changes of gonadic index, hepatic index and somatic condition for Liza abu (Heck.) in Eupharates river, Al-Muthanna

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Muthanna Journal of Pure Sciences – MJPS

Vol.3 – No. 2 / October 2016

Farhan Ala Allah Eabaid
Dep. Biology, Coll. Ed.for pure Science, University of Al-Muthanna.


The samples of Liza abu collected from Eupharates river in Al-Muthanna province during the period, jully 2014- june 2015, to study the maturation development. The monthly changes of gonadic index (males & females) was recorded and the peak was in march (6.4) males & (5.2) females, but it was declined through the months from may to november. The hepatic index was in creased in the seme months which gonadic index was in creased. On the contrary, the somatic condition factor was closely related to gonadal maturation stages. Lower values were recorded during the months which the gonadic index higher valus were recorded. In this study, Liza abu have awidly range of reproductive cycle.

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