Solving Advanced Missile Robotic Control Problem Via Integral Rohit transform

AbstractKey wordsDOI
The problem of robotic control of an advanced missile requires designing control systems for remote-controlled missiles with sufficient abilities. These control systems need to handle navigation, guidance, propulsion, and potentially other tasks like target acquisition and avoidance of obstacles. The various aspects of missile dynamics are described by complex and non-linear differential equations. Due to this, it becomes difficult to obtain their analytical solutions. During system design and analysis, to solve these complex and non-linear differential equations, numerical techniques like Euler’s technique, the Runge-Kutta technique, or more advanced mathematical techniques are generally used. The advanced missile robotic control problem is one of the problems represented by second-order linear differential equations. In this paper, the integral Rohit transform (RT) has been applied to solve an advanced missile robotic control problem. This transformation has never been applied in working out the advanced missile robotic control problem. This paper applies a new technique for solving the second-order linear differential equation representing the advanced missile robotic control problem to obtain its required turn angle so that it will be able to catch and destroy the attacker. The necessary graphs are plotted to illustrate the numerical solution of the robotic control of an advanced missile. It reveals that the integral Rohit transform (RT) technique is an effective technique to solve the advanced missile robotic control problem.
Advanced missile robotic control problem; Integral Rohit transform, Second-order linear differential equation.

Rohit Gupta1, *, Inderdeep Singh2, Deepak Kapoor2, Dinesh Verma3
Received 29 Jan, 2024, Accepted 26 Apr. 2024, published 1 Jun 2024.

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