Ahmed H KhaleelDepartment of Statistics, College of Administration & Economics, University of Sumer*Corresponding Author: ahmedharoon885@gmail.comDOI: 10.18081/2226-3284/5-10/46-54
Category: VOL.(8), NO.(2), 2021
VOL.(8), NO.(2), 2021
Human Motion Imagination and Prediction- A Survey
Wafaa Shihab Ahmed 1*, Abdul amir A. Karim 21Department of Computer Science, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq2 Department of Computer Science, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq*Corresponding Author: 111798@student.uotechnology.edu.iqDOI: 10.18081/2226-3284/5-10/30-45
A comparison between a network of predictive values of the Linear General Trend model and the Holt – Winter models in analyzing the annual production level of live meat chickens for the period from 2014-2019 in Iraq
Asmaa Shaker Ashoor1 Ali Abdul Karim Kazem21 Department of Mathematics and Computers , College of Basic Education , University of Babylon2 Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Babylon*Corresponding Author: asmaa@uobabylon.edu.iqDOI: 10.18081/2226-3284/5-10/17-29
Efficient Method for Solving System of Nonlinear PDEs
H. Kareem and L. N. M. Tawfiq* Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Science Ibn Al-Haitham, University of Baghdad. *Email: luma.n.m@ihcoedu.uobaghdad.edu.iq
Growth Cinnamon Nanoparticles in Different Liquid by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid PLAL
Saif Khalel Jasim1* , Awatif Saber Jasim1 and Ammar Ayesh Habeeb2 Received 25-10-2020, Accepted 5-10-2020, published 31-12-2021.